Jacobi Consulting provides consulting services to a wide variety of clients, including radioactive waste storage and disposal companies, industrial facilities, oil and gas production and exploration companies, uranium mining and milling companies, universities and medical centers, law firms and business analysts.
Representative engagements include:
– Provide technical, regulatory and other expert assistance in the development of a license application for a low-level radioactive waste disposal facility in Texas; Assist in the development of an application for a license to dispose of uranium mill tailings in Texas; Provide project management and business development assistance to the company.
– Provide technical support for a $28 million superfund cleanup of three contaminated radioactive material processing facilities in Texas.
– Provide research and prepare a report on decommissioning financing strategies for a large radioactive waste disposal facility on the east coast of the United States.
– Provide broad support for a business development group including technical analysis of business opportunities throughout the United States.
– Provide engineering and technical support for an oil and gas NORM radioactive waste disposal site in Texas, including consultation on licensing strategies for salt cavern disposal.
– Provide technical support for a uranium mine decommissioning and reclamation project in South Texas, including reclamation strategies, project management alternatives and detailed cost estimating.
– Provide technical advice and regulatory consultation in support of an oil and gas NORM research project for a private client of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station.
– Provide broad-based management advice and technical consultation to support a Department of Energy field office manager, including team building, change management, strategic planning and regulatory analysis and support.
– Provide market assessment and regulatory analysis for evaluating overseas markets in the hazardous and radioactive waste (mixed waste) business sector; research import and export issues related to radioactive material and provide report on same.
– Provide Phase I environment assessment pursuant to ASTM 1527 to support the acquisition of a nuclear-related facility in Texas; Provide expert consultation on technical, regulatory and legal issues related to same.
– Provide legal assistance in the conduct of administrative hearings on production area authorizations for a uranium mine in South Texas.
– Provide technical advice and regulatory consultation in support of a uranium mine acquisition in Texas.
– Provide technical advice and licensing strategies consultation on the re-licensing of a uranium mine in Texas, and provide technical consultation for due diligence on the project.
– Provide technical advice for a confidential client of a Texas law firm related to radioactive material source recovery, inventory and control; Provide radiation safety program review and audit services.
– Provide broad-based advice and technical consultations on nuclear power plant operations in support of litigation.
– Provide technical evaluation and cost assessment to complete reclamation and closure of selected ISL uranium mines in Texas.
– Provide RESRAD analysis of abandoned low-level radioactive waste disposal facility in Texas, including forensic analysis of the presumed waste stream and site specific parameters for the site.
– Provide expert consultation on the application of MARSSIM for a decontamination and decommissioning project in Oak Ridge Tennessee.
– Prepare the required procedures and application to successfully obtain a license to conduct well-logging activities in Texas using prompt fission neutron logging tools.
– Provide project management and technical support for the re-licensing of an ISL uranium recovery facility in Texas.
– Provide technical and regulatory support, including waste disposal options, for a Superfund site in Texas.
– Provide for a confidential client, onsite emergency response for a NORM-contaminated industrial facility, including technical analysis, report preparation, regulatory interpretation, recovery operations and follow-up recommendations for implementing an industrial safety program.
– Prepare for a UK-based client, the required documents and procedures to successfully obtain a Texas license and USNRC reciprocity agreement to conduct well-logging activities in the Gulf of Mexico.
– Provide for a Texas-based confidential client, regulatory and technical assistance and market assessment for a conceptual oil and gas NORM treatment facility in Texas, including waste handling and disposal services.
– As part of a due diligence team for a confidential client, provide technical and regulatory assistance related to phase I environmental assessments of hazardous waste facilities in Texas.
– Provide broad-based technical consultation on the industrial uses of radioisotopes and radioactive waste disposal operations in support of litigation.
– Prepare applications for device evaluations and obtain device certification to support an application for a general license; Provide expert advice on import and transportation issues related to same.
– Prepare a technical and legal analysis of naturally occurring radioactive material as it relates to routine maintenance in a petrochemical plant.
– Provide technical and regulatory assistance on uranium/thorium mill tailings management for a confidential client developing a rare earths mine in west Texas
– Provide technical and regulatory assistance, and business analysis, for a confidential client developing an oil and gas nonhazardous waste disposal project in South Texas
– Provide technical and regulatory assistance to a large Canadian uranium mining company in support of an NRC license renewal, including onsite environmental monitoring and analysis.
– Provide technical and regulatory assistance for renewing an NRC well-logging license, including significant updating of the radiation safety, operating and emergency procedures to meet current regulatory requirements.
– Provide health physics support for the shipment of some large irradiated reactor components, including surveys for transporting the components on marine and rail conveyances; Advise client on transportation requirements per 49 CFR.
– Provide technical and regulatory assistance to update device registrations for subsea metering devices, including preparation of safety analyses to support the application.
– Provide technical and regulatory support for the US Army Corps of Engineers’ decommissioning and dismantlement of the Sturgis MH-1A reactor; Provide public liaison support between contractor, the Corps of Engineers and public stakeholders.
– Conduct baseline radiological survey of a radiopharmaceutical laboratory in Houston, TX to support decommissioning and closure of the facility; Provide decommissioning cost estimate.
– Conduct environmental site assessment of uranium mine in support of proposed acquisition, including onsite reconnaissance and environmental and financial regulatory records review; Prepare report for company
-Write Operating, Radiation Safety and Emergency procedures manual, prepare license application and compile financial and corporate documents to transfer control of subsidiary company to parent corporation; Assist company in preparing for and responding to compliance inspection.
– On behalf of a third-party confidential client, research technical and regulatory requirements for conducting processing, treatment and disposal of nonhazardous oilfield waste (NOW) and oil and gas naturally occurring radioactive material waste (NORM); Conduct site reconnaissance and analysis; Review and comment on Amended and Restated Operating Agreement; Prepare report on same.
– Write Operating, Radiation Safety and Emergency procedures manual and general licensee operating manual; Prepare license application for renewal of specific license; Compile financial and corporate documents to amend existing licenses in Texas and Louisiana; Prepare application for device registry sheets; Prepare safety analyses in support of application; Provide expert assistance to corporate RSO in development of radiation safety program.
– Prepare an application to be submitted to the State of California for a specific license to authorize the manufacture and distribution of a generally-licensed device; Prepare an application to US NRC for a device registration for a generally licensed device; Advise client on regulatory strategies.
– Prepare an application for a specific license to manufacture and distribute a generally licensed device and an application for an SS&D registration for the device; Prepare radiation safety plan and procedures, quality assurance plan and procedures, and General Licensee users manual.
– Prepare a decommissioning plan for a sealed source storage facility in New Mexico.
– On behalf of a Russian client, secure a sealed source and device certificate from the U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission to permit the domestic distribution of radioactive sealed sources manufactured in St. Petersburg, RU.
– Following a merger of two multinational companies, prepare an application for a change of control to transfer the radioactive material license to the new corporate entity.
– Provide technical support for a medical device manufacturing facility to resolve air quality issues through improved air monitoring, engineering design, radiochemical analyses and personnel dosimetry.
– Conduct annual audit of radiation safety program for an industrial device manufacturing and distribution company and provide annual radiation safety training and DOT Class 7 refresher training for technical staff
– Provide overview of the regulatory issues related to subsea multiphase meters to users group meeting for international multiphase meter manufacturer and distributor
– On behalf of an international company, prepare license applications to be presented to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the State of New York to authorize the importation, possession and exempt distribution of irradiated gemstones in the United States.
– Retained as testifying expert witness in Federal District Court on matter concerning remediation of a low-level radioactive waste disposal site; Prepare and submit expert report according to F.R.C.P. 26(2)(B)